SLAOT 2016

SLAOT 2016
Punta Cana, República Dominicana

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Artroscopia y ortopedia: Viscosupplementation for Knee Osteoarthritis

Artroscopia y ortopedia: Viscosupplementation for Knee Osteoarthritis: Viscosupplementation is a medical procedur...
Viscosupplementation for Knee Osteoarthritis
Viscosupplementation is a medical procedure during which lubricating fluid is injected into a joint. Also called hyaluronic acid injections or hyaluronan injections, viscosupplementation is most commonly used to treat symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
Hyaluronic acid is a key component of the joint fluid in healthy joints, but is found in lower concentrations in osteoarthritic joints
By adding hyaluronic acid to the existing joint fluid of an osteoarthritic knee, the goal is to:
Facilitate better knee movement
Reduce pain
Perhaps slow osteoarthritis progression
Typical candidates for viscosupplementation are people with knee osteoarthritis who have failed to improve with other non-surgical treatments.
Following the injections, it is generally recommended that patients engage in a rehabilitation program that includes gentle, progressive knee exercise. The goals of rehabilitation are to improve range of motion and develop muscle strength to support the knee.

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