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martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

Del Blog de la Condroprotección

Desde España los 10 post mas leídos en el 2013!!!!!

Los 10 posts más leídos del 2013

top 10Queremos acabar el año, revisando cuáles han sido los temas que más interés han suscitado entre vosotros, nuestros lectores, durante el 2013. El blog ya recibe más de 3.000 visitas cada mes y nuestra cuenta de Twitter ya cuenta con más de 600 seguidores. ¡Gracias a todos!
Este es el “ranking de los posts más leídos”:
Y el más leído fue…

Asegura Cofepris 1.2 millones de dispositivos médicos
Asegura Cofepris 1.2 millones de dispositivos médicos

La Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (Cofepris) informó que durante 2013 aseguró un millón 221 mil 607 dispositivos médicos que no cumplían con la normatividad sanitaria.
Los materiales fueron asegurados durante operativos de revisión realizados en bodegas del Distrito Federal y Jalisco, según se informó en un boletín.
"Los materiales asegurados durante las acciones realizadas en las dos bodegas eran, en su mayoría, torniquetes antisépticos, perillas estériles para nariz, campos de laparotomía con incisión, guantes diversos, paquetes de laparoscopia, paquetes para cesárea, catéteres foley sil, paquetes diversos (cirugías, artroscopía, hombro, laminectomía), bisturís eléctricos, toallas antibacteriales y material de curación", se especificó.
Los dispositivos, se informó, no cumplían con la NOM-137-SSA-2008, es decir, el etiquetado se encontraba en inglés, no contaban con registro sanitario y, en el caso de los guantes, no tenían fecha de caducidad.
Cofepris recomendó a los usuarios de dispositivos médicos extremar medidas preventivas sobre todo cuando se trata de materiales que se anuncian por Internet.


Salud Osteoarticular: CURSO DE FRACTURAS DE PELVIS Y ACETÁBULO. DAVOS 20...: D urante la segunda semana de diciembre, he tenido la oportunidad de participar en el curso especializado sobre fracturas de pelvis y acetá...

jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2013


Durante la segunda semana de diciembre, he tenido la oportunidad de participar en el curso especializado sobre fracturas de pelvis y acetábulo.
El curso estuvo organizado e impartido por la sociedad AO-Trauma en Davos (Suiza).

Para los que no conocen la sociedad AO, decir que es una organización basada en la investigación y difusión de conocimientos sobre técnicas de osteosíntesis así como para la mejoría del proceso reparador de las lesiones osteoarticulares. El inicio de la AO se remonta al año 1960, cuando el profesor Maurice Müller junto con otros colegas, fundan la sociedad para el estudio e instrucción de las técnicas de osteosíntesis. Desde entonces hasta estos días, más de 250.000 especialistas han pasado por las salas del centro de la AO en Davos para realizar algún curso de instrucción.

La organización del curso es espectacular. En un ambiente internacional, con participantes y profesores de casi todas las nacionalidades que puedas imaginar, desde Hong-Kong, Suiza, Francia, Chile, Canada, Australia, Arabia Saudita, Mexico, Rusia, EEUU, Argentina, Costa Rica, Italia, Japón, etc. Sólo un representante de España, y ese afortunado era yo.
Este año tuvimos la suerte de contar con la presencia del profesor Marvin Tile (Toronto), principal impulsor del conocimiento actual sobre este tipo de fracturas pélvicas.

Con Marvin Tile.

Los directores del curso fueron los profesores Carlos Sancineto (Buenos Aires) y David Stephen (Toronto). Otros 20 profesores completaron el cuadro de instructores.

Con Carlos Sancineto.

La estructura del curso estuvo dividida en sesiones lectivas con charlas de 15 minutos, impartidas por diferentes profesores y abarcando a lo largo de 5 días todos los aspectos de la patología traumática de la pelvis. En seminarios con grupos reducidos, logramos participar individualmente en el diagnóstico y planificación de diferentes casos clínicos presentados por los profesores.
También participamos en varios talleres sobre modelos de hueso sintético, reproduciendo la osteosíntesis de diferentes patrones de fracturas.

Con mi compañero de prácticas Chi Ho Jason (Hong-Kong).

Para completar el curso, realizamos también práctica en cadáver, ejecutando diferentes vías de abordaje a la pelvis y al acetábulo.

En resumen, un curso excepcional, que profundiza en el conocimiento de este tipo de patología compleja que es la pelvis.

Después de la estancia en Davos, puedo decir que mi atracción por esta parte de la especialidad se ha incrementado notablemente e intento sacar provecho de este aprendizaje, buscando la mejoría en el tratamiento de pacientes que sufren estas complejas fracturas.

domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2013

Fracturas de mano

Clavicle Fracture: X-ray Findings and Treatment

sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013

knows runners are told to ice but are rarely told how and with what

knows runners are told to ice but are rarely told how and with what.

Author at Ortho Concepts
When runners have a swollen knee, they are generally told to ice, but are rarely told how to ice correctly. To properly ice a swollen knee you must elevate your knee above your heart, with your foot higher than your knee.

Global Rheumatoid Arthritis Market: Trends and Opportunities (2013-2018)

Global Rheumatoid Arthritis Market: Trends and Opportunities (2013-2018)

Manager at ReportsnReports
The report titled "Global Rheumatoid Arthritis Market: Trends and Opportunities (2013-2018)" provides an in-depth analysis of global rheumatoid arthritis market with special focus on biologics drugs. It also accesses the key opportunities and underlying trends in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry in the forecasted period (2013-18). Further, key drug manufacturers of the global rheumatoid arthritis market like Abbvie Inc. (Humira), Amgen Inc. (Enbrel), Johnson & Johnson (Remicade), Roche Holdings AG (Actemra) are profiled in the report.

Complete report available @

New PRP Study in AJSM by Upcoming Orthobiologic Institute (TOBI) Speaker, Brian Cole MD!

Julie Patchis

New PRP Study in AJSM by Upcoming Orthobiologic Institute (TOBI) Speaker, Brian Cole MD

The Anti-inflammatory and Matrix Restorative Mechanisms of Platelet Rich Plasma in Osteoarthritis recently published by Dr. Brian Cole, MD, The Orthobiologic Institute TOBI Faculty Speaker at the upcoming PRP & Regenerative Medicine Symposium with Cadaver Lab, June 6-7, 2014 in Las Vegas,

Emerging research continues to advocate the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in the treatment of osteoarthritis. In a controlled laboratory study out of Cornell University, PRP and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HA) were used to treat Osteoarthritis cartilage and synoviocytes, and the specific gene expression and inflammatory mediators were assessed. The study was performed by co-harvesting synovium and cartilage cells with PRP and hyaluronic acid in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty.

The study revealed that the TNF-Alpha concentration was decreased in the presence of PRP and HA versus the control, while Il-6 concentration was decreased more in the HA group in comparison to the PRP and control groups. In addition, synoviocyte MMP-13 expression was decreased more in the PRP group than with the HA group, while synoviocyte expression of HAS-2 was increased in the PRP group.

Furthermore, the expression of ACAN and COL1A1 in cartilage cells showed discrepancies between HA and PRP, but neither was different from the control group.

Although both HA and PRP treatments revealed decreased catabolic effects on synovial and cartilaginous cells, only the PRP group revealed decreased MMP-13 expression, increased HAS-2 expression, and increased anabolic effects on cartilage.

The results contribute more evidence to the growing theory that PRP not only decreases cartilage catabolism in osteoarthritis, but also increases the endogenous production of HA. The anti-inflammatory and pain reducing qualities of PRP exhibited in this study support its use in the treatment of osteoarthritis. More research and clinical trials are needed to investigate the efficacy and mechanism of PRP in osteoarthritis application.

Abstract: The Anti-inflammatory and Matrix Restorative Mechanisms of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Osteoarthritis
Emily A. Sundman, DVM, Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA, Vasili Karas, MD, Craig Della Valle, MD, Mathew W. Tetreault, MD, Hussni O. Mohammed, DVM, PhD and Lisa A. Fortier, DVM, PhD
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2013 Nov 5 [epub ahead of print]

Join Dr. Brain Cole and field leaders at The Orthobiologic Institute TOBI 5th Annual PRP & Regenerative Medicine Symposium with Cadaver Lab, June 6-7, 2014 in Las Vegas, or stream online. Register online at

LinkedIn discounts apply:
WOWLINK2014 2-day Symposium with Cadaver Lab
WOWLINKSYM 1.5-day Symposium

Don’t miss this important opportunity to work together and create protocols and standardization of our growing field. We look forward to having you with us in June.


The Orthobiologic Institute keeps you on the cutting-edge of Platelet Rich Plasma & regenerative therapies with educational DVDs & hands-on courses.

Sports Medicine Market Report: 2013 Edition

Orthopedics is defined as the study of human musculoskeletal system. It is basically a branch of medical sciences dealing with the prevention and correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments. Orthopedic surgeries offer an extensive range of cures and treatments for human beings. Recent advancements in arthroscopy techniques i.e. development of minimally invasive surgical techniques has provided a major breakthrough in the field of orthopedics with special application and usage in the sports medicine segment. One of the transforming milestones in the orthopedics industry is the research and development activities that are being carried out in field of arthroscopic procedures as it has critically reduced the healing time for the injuries.
An increase in the cases of sports injuries has been witnessed worldwide due to changing demographic trends and lifestyle mainly in younger population. The fastest growing segment in treatment of sports related injuries is the arthroscopic repair. This growth can be attributed to increase in the incidences of sports injuries, increased inclination of patients towards minimally invasive procedures, development of innovative tools and technologies and a growing need of cost effective procedures. The majority of procedures are performed to repair knee damage, most notably to the meniscus, treating sport related injuries such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) damage, as well as age related damage from rheumatoid arthritis.
Furthermore, the advent of minimally invasive procedure in the field of arthroscopic surgery has benefitted the global aging population as the usage of this procedure significantly reduces the down time. Knee and shoulder treatment generated the maximum revenues.
The new entrants trying to develop novel products and advanced tools and machineries have posed a great threat to the existing market leaders. Moreover, such innovation by the R&D departments in the respective field had led to a high degree of rivalry amongst the competitors. Arthrex is the global leader in the sports medicine market with Smith & Nephew in the second position. Other leading players are DePuy Mitek, Stryker, Conmed, Tornier and ArthroCare.
Apart from the analysis of the global sports medicine market, the report also analyzes the global orthopedics market and global arthroscopic market. The report elicits the intricacies of market size, factors influencing market growth and major trends such as increased acceptance of robotic surgeries and advent of minimally invasive procedures. Moreover, the report includes growth drivers such as increase in global aging population and increase in the healthcare expense. The report also provides company profiles of the key players in the global sports medicine market along with a discussion of their business strategies.
By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.

jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2013

miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2013

Ortopedia. Alertas

Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil, donde los milagros sucedenhoylosangeles
Personal del programa de Niños Internacionales del Instituto de OrtopediaInfantil en Los Ángeles viaja nueve meses al año a la frontera ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema »


Competencia sanciona a dos ortopedias por sobornos a médicosEl Paí (España)
La Autoridad Catalana de la Competencia (ACCO) ha sancionado a dos empresas de ortopedia de Tarragona, tras determinar que estas fraguaron ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema »

Las claves 2013: Historias de impactoLa Prensa de Honduras
Pero sus súplicas a Dios tuvieron eco cuando conoció que una brigada médica de ortopedia llegaría a San Pedro Sula y estaría en la clínica ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema »

Aumenta 25% pacientes en Traumatología en
Entre 20 y 25 por ciento repunta el ingreso de pacientes al Hospital de Traumatología y Ortopedia durante la temporada navideña y de fin de año, ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema »

Multadas dos ortopedias por pactar con médicos el envío de clientes


Multadas dos ortopedias por pactar con médicos el envío de clientes

Facultativos del Hospital Joan XXIII indicaban a sus pacientes que tenían que acudir a estos dos establecimientos

 Publicado: 20:30 - 23/12/2013
Entre ambas acaparaban más del 70% de los productos prescritos en el centro sanitario
«Ha quedado acreditada la existencia de una conducta prohibida consistente en un acuerdo tácito entre determinados médicos que prestan sus servicios en el Hospital Joan Universitari XXIII y las ortopedias Ceorma y Rambla, con el objetivo de dirigir sus pacientes a la hora de seleccionar una ortopedia que les tiene que dispensar el producto ortopédico descrito». Es la conclusión a la que llega la Autoritat Catalana de la Competència (ACCO) a raíz de la denuncia presentada en 2009 por el ortopeda Manuel Molina contra varios de sus competidores y cuatro centros hospitalarios del Camp de Tarragona, a los que acusaba de estar en connivencia. Finalmente, ACCO ha decidido imponer una sanción de 26.000 euros a Ortopèdia Ceorma y 45.000 a Caravaca Ortopèdics SL. Entre ambas copaban hasta un 70 por ciento de los artículos dispensados por los facultativos del Joan XXIII.
La denuncia inicial
El denunciante, en su escrito, aseguraba que a pesar de que el paciente puede elegir la ortopedia que quiera –como pasa con los productos farmacéuticos– había médicos de cuatro hospitales que dirigían a sus pacientes a tres establecimientos determinados –los dos ahora multados más un tercero–.
Después de cuatro años de investigación, la ACCO ha determinado que después de analizar las recetas ortopédicas prescritas y dispensadas desde los cuatro hospitales investigados se puso de manifiesto unos «elevados índices de concentración en la dispensación de artículos de ortopedia, así como en su importe, respecto del total del Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII», en las tres ortopedias investigadas. En productos estándar copaban un 78 por ciento de los artículos, un 76 de los adaptados y un 85 de los hechos a medida.
Un informe de 2009 de la Subdirecció General d’Avaluació i Inspecció d’Assistència Sanitària del Departament de Salut ya declaraba la existencia de «prácticas de dirigismo por parte de profesionales sanitario de este hospital hacia determinadas ortopedias».
Para el ACCO, el nivel de competencia en este mercado tendría que ser más elevado, «lo que se traduciría en una distribución de la demanda de artículos ortopédicos más homogéneo o, al menos, no tan concentrada en unos pocos operadores».
La Autoritat Catalana de la Competència rechaza que puedan existir explicaciones alternativas razonables a un pacto entre ortopedias y facultativos. El precio es el mismo en todos los establecimientos, la pericia del técnico de ortopedia tampoco es posible porque por ejemplo también hay un nivel de concentración en productos estándars. Tampoco la ubicación ya que hay otros centros cercanos a los investigados.
Para la ACCO, a pesar de que la coautoría de determinados médicos que prestan sus servicios en el Hospital Joan XXIII «tampoco no es dudosa, no se puede afirmar lo mismo respecto a su responsabilidad, ya que, al no ser operadores directos en el mercado de referencia, no pueden haber obtenido ningún beneficio en términos de competencia para la realización de la conducta prohibida». Sin embargo, no entra a valorar, porque no es su competencia, si han recibido algún tipo de compensación.
A pesar de que ACCO absuelve tanto a CatSalut como al ICS de toda responsabilidad en esta cuestión, sí que indica que en el ámbito de las funciones que tienen encomendadas, «tendrían que haber velado para que conductas como ésta no se hubiesen producido nunca».
Los otros tres hospitales
En cambio, en los otros tres hospitales investigados –Santa Tecla, Pius de Valls y Sant Joan de Reus–, a pesar de que hay menos centros que hayan dispensado artículos de ortopedia prescritos, «aparecen competidores con fuerte presencia en la dispensación de estos artículos y con unos datos de dispensación similares o cercanos a los de los centros de ortopedia contra los cuales se dispensó el expediente».
Las dos ortopedias multadas declinaron ayer realizar cualquier valoración de la resolución.

domingo, 22 de diciembre de 2013

3-D Printer Redefines Reconstructive Surgery

3-D Printer Redefines Reconstructive Surgery

Posted in Orthopedics by Camilla Andersson on January 15, 2013

Orthopaedic surgeon Justin Cobb is applying 3-D printing technology to a surgical procedure that could revolutionise orthopaedic adult reconstructive knee operations. Cobb holds the Chair in orthopaedic surgery in the Surgery and Cancer department at the world-renowned Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust based in Charing Cross Hospital Campus in West London.
The process involves the use of 3-D printing technology to create technically complex bespoke solutions by means of pre-operative modelling. It is also used to help in the planning of surgery and creation of osteotomy intraoperative cutting guides and patterns for titanium fixation plates. In this case, the technology will help to rebuild a soldier’s knee ripped apart by gunshot wounds. “This operation using 3-D printing technology is a world first for reconstructive surgery providing total liberation to the surgeon and opening up a completely new approach to the operation,” says Cobb.
 Objet Eden250 3D printer installed at the Lower Limb Arthroplasty Unit at Charing Cross Hospital
With the assistance of Research Associate Susannah Clarke, PhD, who has expertise in computational analysis of total joint replacement, Cobb installed the Objet (Rehovot, Israel) Eden 250 3D printer in January 2012. It was supplied by OPS Ltd (Derby, UK), which has worked closely with the Lower Limb Arthroplasty Unit at Charing Cross Hospital. Their goal was to develop a patient-matched process of conserving as much of the original functional and healthy joint tissue as possible while reducing the need for ligament reconstruction to help speed recovery.
The new surgical process helps to realign the leg by using pre-operative 3-D modelling followed by modelling the fixation plate and a series of cutting guides to accurately and more quickly reconfigure damaged areas of bone. This avoids the anxiety and full trauma associated with cutting the limb and replacing the whole joint. The Objet 3D printer also has created models for the customisation of the fixation plates used across the periphery of the joint. The custom knee implants which are designed and produced by specialist Stanmore Implants (Elstree, UK) are then robotically inserted into the patient.
Over the first six months following installation, the Objet 3D printer has been used in approximately 80 different trials plus three clinical trial experiments to research elements of the process on difficult and complex cases. Any variation in the positioning of a replacement knee can ultimately hinder the durability of the implant and function of the joint. Precision and skill have to be regarded as the most critical elements of the whole operation.
Not only should the new approach to the process speed recovery, especially in young, otherwise healthy, limbs, it should add value by reducing key operating theatre times from around 40 to 30 minutes and considerably reduce costs. For instance, only one tray of surgical instruments will need to be sterilised instead of the customary four or five trays.
The new approach to reconstructive surgery should be able to re-establish the patient’s quality of life, adds Cobb. The Iraq war veteran, who was shot above and through the knee joint in 2008, remains virtually lame, says Cobb, despite previous operations.
The standard operating procedure typically makes use of handheld saws, cutters and metal jigs to guide bone preparation. The whole procedure relies on multiple X-rays and the expertise of the surgeon. Surgery can also be restricted by the use of off-the-shelf standard-size implants and variation in the limbs of different patients. The need to select from a variety of instruments can require the preparation and sterilisation of as many as five tray sets, all at added cost.
Realigned bone with custom replacement knee and fixation plate
Still a practicing surgeon, Cobb is devoted to the development of future-generation procedures and related products that improve the working environment of surgeons, help patients and reduce cost. He has helped to develop a method of using robotics to prepare the bone and apply patient-specific implant fixation. The process also helps re-alignment of the joint to overcome any distortion in the limb. Integrating 3-D printing into this process provides new opportunities to improve the surgical procedure.
The presurgery procedure will now include a low-radiation CT scan of the patient’s limb to capture multiple slice images of the joint and ligaments to create a personalised knee scan. This is built up into a SolidWorks 3D imaging model to provide an accurate visual address to the extent of damage to the limb. The data is then transferred to the Objet 3D printer, which produces a solid model from MED 610 biocompatible material that allows prolonged skin contact. The model imparts pre-operative visual and tactile information as well as intra-operative guidance to assist in surgery planning and performance.
During the surgical process, the Objet printer cutter guide is positioned on the bone; the formed slots guide a wedge shaped cut into the bone. The wedge is removed and the bone realigned to straighten the limb. The robot is then used to cut a curved void where the new bone implant is fitted.
Intraoperative cutter guide 
According to Clarke, who has prior 3-D printing experience in other areas of Imperial College, the Objet 3D printer was selected because of its simple interface and easy-to-clean design. Installation was trouble-free, the software linked directly to SolidWorks and integration with the surgical process was straightforward, she adds. “The machine fit exactly into the concept that Professor Cobb envisaged for the work he was doing to improve lower limb surgery,” says Clarke.
Since its installation, the Objet machine has been regarded as a solution looking for additional problems to solve. It has been used to produce half sets of vice clamps to fixture, for instance, 20 bones for stress testing. With the form moulded into the vice jaws, each bone is set in the same presentation, ensuring process repeatability without losing time on re-alignment.
Intraoperative cutting guides now take about two hours to produce for surgical use by Cobb. These guides help to optimise the process and thus reduce the time for cutting the limb from around 12 minutes to approximately 7.5 minutes.
At Imperial, the Objet Eden 3D 250 printer uses only the MED 610 material but has the capability to work with up to 10 different materials including ABS, polypropylene and transparent materials with a variety of colours and physical characteristics. The process is based on using 16-micron print layers (30 micron can be used in high-speed mode) to create models accurate within 0.1 to 0.3 mm. The models are realistic and useable for form, fit and function, prototyping and testing.
The Objet Eden 250 3D printer has the capacity to produce models measuring 260 x 260 x 200 mm. Postcuring is not required and, as at Imperial, the models are cleaned by means of a semi-high-pressure jet.
Andrew Fulton 
is Managing Director, OPS Ltd, Faraday House, Tomlinson Business Park, Foston, Derbyshire DE65 5DJ, UK
tel. + 44 1283 585 933

Evaluación preoperatoria/Preoperative evaluation

!Por favor la valoración y preparación preoperatoria solo por los anestesiólogos! 
Preoperative evaluation and preparation by anaesthesiologists only, please!
Roden E, Walder B.
From the Division of Anaesthesiology, University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2013 Dec;30(12):731-3. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0b013e3283650e9f.  

Evaluación y preparación preoperatoria para anestesia y cirugía 
Preoperative evaluation and preparation for anesthesia and surgery.
Zambouri A.
4th Dept of Anesthesiology, Hippokratio G. H., Thessaloniki, Greece.
Hippokratia. 2007 Jan;11(1):13-21.
The ultimate goals of preoperative medical assessment are to reduce the patient's surgical and anesthetic perioperative morbidity or mortality, and to return him to desirable functioning as quickly as possible. It is imperative to realize that "perioperative" risk is multifactorial and a function of thepreoperative medical condition of the patient, the invasiveness of the surgical procedure and the type of anesthetic administered. A history and physical examination, focusing on risk factors for cardiac and pulmonary complications and a determination of the patient's functional capacity, are essential to any preoperative evaluation. Laboratory investigations should be ordered only when indicated by the patient's medical status, drug therapy, or the nature of the proposed procedure and not on a routine basis. Persons without concomitant medical problems may need little more than a quick medical review. Those with comorbidity should be optimized for the procedure. Proper consultations with appropriate medical services should be obtained to improve the patient's health. These consultations should ideally not be done in a "last second" fashion. The preoperativepreparation involves procedures that are implemented based on the nature of the expected operation as well as the findings of the diagnostic workup and the preoperative evaluation.
anesthetic risk, perioperative risk, preoperative assessment, preoperative preparation

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Acceso libre a 63 artículos sobre trauma

Acceso libre a 63 artículos sobre trauma

International Journal of the Care of the Injured 2014;45: 1-348
63 article are free on this issue of the

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

Novedades en condroprotección

¿No puede ver el correo? Vea la versión web.

18 de diciembre de 2013

A continuación le mostramos las novedades de las revistas más importantes en Condroprotección. 
 Resultado a largo plazo tras el tratamiento mediante microfracturas de lesiones condrales de rodilla que implican todo el grosor del cartílago en atletas 
 Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013 Sep 20. [publicación electrónica previa a la publicación impresa] 
 Efectos de la dieta y ejercicio intensivos sobre la carga de a articulación de la rodilla, la inflamación y los resultados clínicos entre adultos con sobrepeso y obesos que padecen artrosis de rodilla: ensayo clínico randomizado IDEA 
 JAMA. 2013;310(12):1263-73. doi: 10.1001/jama.2013.277669. 

Arthritis & Rheumatism
Volume 65, Issue 12, December 2013
Regional Distribution of Adult Rheumatologists
American College of Rheumatology Committee on Rheumatology Training and Workforce Issues
A Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals ARL15, a Novel Non-HLA Susceptibility Gene for Rheumatoid Arthritis in North Indians
Sapna Negi, Garima Juyal, Sabyasachi Senapati, Pushplata Prasad, Aditi Gupta, Shalini Singh, Sujit Kashyap, Ashok Kumar, Uma Kumar, Rajiva Gupta, Satbir Kaur, Suraksha Agrawal, Amita Aggarwal, Jurg Ott, Sanjay Jain, Ramesh C. Juyal and B. K. Thelma
Indocyanine Green-Enhanced Fluorescence Optical Imaging in Patients With Early and Very Early Arthritis: A Comparative Study With Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Stephanie G. Werner, Hans-Eckhard Langer, Peter Schott, Malte Bahner, Carsten Schwenke, Gudrun Lind-Albrecht, Felicitas Spiecker, Bernward Kurtz, Gerd R. Burmester and Marina Backhaus
M-Ficolin Levels Reflect Disease Activity and Predict Remission in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis
Christian G. Ammitzbøll, Steffen Thiel, Jens C. Jensenius, Torkell Ellingsen, Kim Hørslev-Petersen, Merete L. Hetland, Peter Junker, Niels S. Krogh, Mikkel Østergaard and Kristian Stengaard-Pedersen
Association of Genetic Variants in the IL4 and IL4R Genes With the Severity of Joint Damage in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Study in Seven Cohorts
A. Krabben, A. G. Wilson, D. P. C. de Rooy, A. Zhernakova, E. Brouwer, E. Lindqvist, T. Saxne, G. Stoeken, J. A. B. van Nies, R. Knevel, T. W. J. Huizinga, R. Toes, P. K. Gregersen and A. H. M. van der Helm-van Mil
Identification of BACH2 and RAD51B as Rheumatoid Arthritis Susceptibility Loci in a Meta-Analysis of Genome-Wide Data
Kate McAllister, Annie Yarwood, John Bowes, Gisela Orozco, Sebastian Viatte, Dorothée Diogo, Lynne J. Hocking, Sophia Steer, Paul Wordsworth, A. G. Wilson, Ann W. Morgan, UK Rheumatoid Arthritis Genetics Consortium, Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium International, Joel M. Kremer, Dimitrios Pappas, Peter Gregersen, Lars Klareskog, Robert Plenge, Anne Barton, Jeffrey Greenberg, Jane Worthington and Stephen Eyre
A Distinct Human CD4+ T Cell Subset That Secretes CXCL13 in Rheumatoid Synovium
Shio Kobayashi, Koichi Murata, Hideyuki Shibuya, Mami Morita, Masahiro Ishikawa, Moritoshi Furu, Hiromu Ito, Juichi Ito, Shuichi Matsuda, Takeshi Watanabe and Hiroyuki Yoshitomi
Local Synovial Engagement of Angiogenic TIE-2 Is Associated With the Development of Persistent Erosive Rheumatoid Arthritis in Patients With Early Arthritis
Marleen G. H. van de Sande, Daphne de Launay, Maria J. H. de Hair, Samuel García, Gijs P. M. van de Sande, Carla A. Wijbrandts, Danielle M. Gerlag, Kris A. Reedquist and Paul P. Tak
The Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ Agonist Pioglitazone Preserves Bone Microarchitecture in Experimental Arthritis by Reducing the Interleukin-17-Dependent Osteoclastogenic Pathway
Meriem Koufany, Daniel Chappard, Patrick Netter, Claire Bastien, Georges Weryha, Jean-Yves Jouzeau and David Moulin
Tumor Necrosis Factor α Inhibition in Radiographic and Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: Results From a Large Observational Cohort
Adrian Ciurea, Almut Scherer, Pascale Exer, Jürg Bernhard, Jean Dudler, Brigitte Beyeler, Rudolf Kissling, Daniel Stekhoven, Kaspar Rufibach, Giorgio Tamborrini, Bettina Weiss, Rüdiger Müller, Michael J. Nissen, Beat A. Michel, Désirée van der Heijde, Maxime Dougados, Annelies Boonen and Ulrich Weber, on behalf of the Rheumatologists of the Swiss Clinical Quality Management Program for Axial Spondyloarthritis
Deletion of the Transforming Growth Factor β Receptor Type II Gene in Articular Chondrocytes Leads to a Progressive Osteoarthritis-like Phenotype in Mice
Jie Shen, Jia Li, Baoli Wang, Hongting Jin, Meina Wang, Yejia Zhang, Yunzhi Yang, Hee-Jeong Im, Regis O'Keefe and Di Chen
Annexin A6 Interacts With p65 and Stimulates NF-κB Activity and Catabolic Events in Articular Chondrocytes
Kirk A. Campbell, Takeshi Minashima, Ying Zhang, Scott Hadley, You Jin Lee, Joseph Giovinazzo, Martin Quirno and Thorsten Kirsch
Sulforaphane Represses Matrix-Degrading Proteases and Protects Cartilage From Destruction In Vitro and In Vivo
Rose K. Davidson, Orla Jupp, Rachel de Ferrars, Colin D. Kay, Kirsty L. Culley, Rosemary Norton, Clare Driscoll, Tonia L. Vincent, Simon T. Donell, Yongping Bao and Ian M. Clark
MicroRNA-127-5p Regulates Matrix Metalloproteinase 13 Expression and Interleukin-1β-Induced Catabolic Effects in Human Chondrocytes
Su Jin Park, Eun Jeong Cheon, Mi Hyun Lee and Hyun Ah Kim
Role of Interleukin-10 in Endochondral Bone Formation in Mice: Anabolic Effect via the Bone Morphogenetic Protein/Smad Pathway
Youn-Kwan Jung, Gun-Woo Kim, Hye-Ri Park, Eun-Ju Lee, Je-Yong Choi, Frank Beier and Seung-Woo Han
9G4+ Autoantibodies Are an Important Source of Apoptotic Cell Reactivity Associated With High Levels of Disease Activity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Scott A. Jenks, Elise M. Palmer, Elides Y. Marin, Louise Hartson, Asiya Seema Chida, Christopher Richardson and Ignacio Sanz
P2X7 Blockade Attenuates Murine Lupus Nephritis by Inhibiting Activation of the NLRP3/ASC/Caspase 1 Pathway
Jijun Zhao, Hongyue Wang, Chao Dai, Hongyang Wang, Hui Zhang, Yuefang Huang, Shuang Wang, Felicia Gaskin, Niansheng Yang and Shu Man Fu
Value of Isolated IgA Anti-β2-Glycoprotein I Positivity in the Diagnosis of the Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Vijaya Murthy, Rohan Willis, Zurina Romay-Penabad, Patricia Ruiz-Limón, Laura A. Martínez-Martínez, Shraddha Jatwani, Praveen Jajoria, Alan Seif, Graciela S. Alarcón, Elizabeth Papalardo, Jigna Liu, Luis M. Vilá, Gerald McGwin Jr., Terry A. McNearney, Rashmi Maganti, Prashanth Sunkureddi, Trisha Parekh, Michael Tarantino, Ehtisham Akhter, Hong Fang, Emilio B. Gonzalez, Walter R. Binder, Gary L. Norman, Zakera Shums, Marius Teodorescu, John D. Reveille, Michelle Petri and Silvia S. Pierangeli
Recommendations for Screening and Detection of Connective Tissue Disease-Associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Dinesh Khanna, Heather Gladue, Richard Channick, Lorinda Chung, Oliver Distler, Daniel E. Furst, Eric Hachulla, Marc Humbert, David Langleben, Stephen C. Mathai, Rajeev Saggar, Scott Visovatti, Nezam Altorok, Whitney Townsend, John FitzGerald and Vallerie V. McLaughlin
Brief Report: A Regulatory Variant in CCR6 Is Associated With Susceptibility to Antitopoisomerase-Positive Systemic Sclerosis
Eugénie Koumakis, Matthieu Bouaziz, Philippe Dieudé, Barbara Ruiz, Gabriella Riemekasten, Paolo Airo, Martina Müller-Nurasyid, Daniele Cusi, Marco Matucci-Cerinic, Inga Melchers, Erika Salvi, Konstantin Strauch, Annette Peters, Giovanna Cuomo, Eric Hachulla, Elisabeth Diot, Nicolas Hunzelmann, Paola Caramaschi, Valeria Riccieri, Jörg H. W. Distler, Ingo Tarner, Jérôme Avouac, Luc Letenneur, Philippe Amouyel, Jean-Charles Lambert, Gilles Chiocchia, Catherine Boileau and Yannick Allanore
Memory Dysfunction in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Is Associated With Anti-NR2 Antibodies
Maria B. Lauvsnes, Stian S. Maroni, Simone Appenzeller, Mona K. Beyer, Ole J. Greve, Jan T. Kvaløy, Erna Harboe, Lasse G. Gøransson, Anne B. Tjensvoll and Roald Omdal
Role of Fms-like Tyrosine Kinase 3 Ligand as a Potential Biologic Marker of Lymphoma in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome
Gabriel J. Tobón, Alain Saraux, Jacques-Eric Gottenberg, Luca Quartuccio, Martina Fabris, Raphaèle Seror, Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec, Jacques Morel, Stéphanie Rist, Xavier Mariette, Salvatore De Vita, Pierre Youinou and Jacques-Olivier Pers
Association of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 6 With Exocrine Gland Dysfunction in Patients With Sjögren’s Syndrome and in Mice
Hongen Yin, Javier Cabrera-Perez, Zhenan Lai, Drew Michael, Melodie Weller, William D. Swaim, Xibao Liu, Marcelo A. Catalán, Eduardo M. Rocha, Nevien Ismail, Sandra Afione, Noreen A. Rana, Giovanni Di Pasquale, Ilias Alevizos, Indu Ambudkar, Gabor G. Illei and John A. Chiorini
Genome-Wide Association Study of Dermatomyositis Reveals Genetic Overlap With Other Autoimmune Disorders 
Frederick W. Miller, Robert G. Cooper, Jiří Vencovský, Lisa G. Rider, Katalin Danko, Lucy R. Wedderburn, Ingrid E. Lundberg, Lauren M. Pachman, Ann M. Reed, Steven R. Ytterberg, Leonid Padyukov, Albert Selva-O’Callaghan, Timothy R. D. J. Radstake, David A. Isenberg, Hector Chinoy, William E. R. Ollier, Terrance P. O’Hanlon, Bo Peng, Annette Lee, Janine A. Lamb, Wei Chen, Christopher I. Amos and Peter K. Gregersen, with the Myositis Genetics Consortium
Activation of the Ubiquitin Proteasome Pathway in a Mouse Model of Inflammatory Myopathy: A Potential Therapeutic Target
Sree Rayavarapu, William Coley, Jack H. Van der Meulen, Erdinc Cakir, Kathyayini Tappeta, Travis B. Kinder, Blythe C. Dillingham, Kristy J. Brown, Yetrib Hathout and Kanneboyina Nagaraju
Aberrant Muscle Antigen Exposure in Mice Is Sufficient to Cause Myositis in a Treg Cell-Deficient Milieu
Nicholas A. Young, Rahul Sharma, Alexandra K. Friedman, Benjamin H. Kaffenberger, Brad Bolon and Wael N. Jarjour
Chronic Kidney Disease and the Risk of Incident Gout Among Middle-Aged Men: A Seven-Year Prospective Observational Study
Eswar Krishnan
Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor α Targets Protein Kinase B/c-Akt-Induced Resistance of Effector Cells to Suppression in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Ellen J. Wehrens, Sebastiaan J. Vastert, Gerdien Mijnheer, Jenny Meerding, Mark Klein, Nico M. Wulffraat, Berent J. Prakken and Femke van Wijk
Prevalence of the Fibromyalgia Phenotype in Patients With Spine Pain Presenting to a Tertiary Care Pain Clinic and the Potential Treatment Implications
Chad M. Brummett, Jenna Goesling, Alex Tsodikov, Taha S. Meraj, Ronald A. Wasserman, Daniel J. Clauw and Afton L. Hassett
Overlapping Structural and Functional Brain Changes in Patients With Long-Term Exposure to Fibromyalgia Pain
Karin B. Jensen, Priti Srinivasan, Rosa Spaeth, Ying Tan, Eva Kosek, Frank Petzke, Serena Carville, Peter Fransson, Hanke Marcus, Steven C. R. Williams, Ernest Choy, Olivier Vitton, Richard Gracely, Martin Ingvar and Jian Kong
Progressing Toward, and Recovering From, Knee Replacement Surgery: A Five-Year Cohort Study
Daniel L. Riddle, Robert A. Perera, Paul W. Stratford, William A. Jiranek and Levent Dumenci

The Journal of Rheumatology
December 2013; 40 (12)
Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of Psoriatic Dactylitis: Status and Perspectives
Catherine J. Bakewell, Ignazio Olivieri, Sibel Z. Aydin, Christian Dejaco, Kei Ikeda, Marwin Gutierrez, Lene Terslev, Ralf Thiele, Maria Antionetta D'Agostino, and Gurjit S. Kaeley
Disease Factors in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Are Associated with Differential Risks for Cardiovascular Events and Mortality Depending on Age at Onset: A 10-year Observational Cohort Study
Sofia Ajeganova, Maria L.E. Andersson, Johan Frostegård, and Ingiäld Hafström
Correlation of Radiographic Progression with the Cumulative Activity of Synovitis Estimated by Power Doppler Ultrasound in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Difference Between Patients Treated with Methotrexate and Those Treated with Biological Agents
Kei Ikeda, Daiki Nakagomi, Yoshie Sanayama, Mieko Yamagata, Ayako Okubo, Taro Iwamoto, Hirotoshi Kawashima, Kentaro Takahashi, andHiroshi Nakajima
Chronic Widespread Pain in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and the Relation Between Pain and Disease Activity Measures over the First 5 Years
Maria L.E. Andersson, Björn Svensson, and Stefan Bergman
Screening for Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Patients with Chronic Inflammatory Arthritis: Discrepancies Between Tuberculin Skin Test and Interferon-γ Release Assay Results
Félicie Costantino, Marcelo de Carvalho Bittencourt, Anne-Christine Rat,Damien Loeuille, Hervé Dintinger, Marie C. Béné, Gilbert Faure, and Isabelle Chary-Valckenaere
Clinical Investigation of Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Lung Disease in Japanese Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Receiving Biologic Therapy
Hideaki Yamakawa, Noboru Takayanagi, Takashi Ishiguro, Tetsu Kanauchi,Toshiko Hoshi, and Yutaka Sugita
COMP-C3b Complexes in Rheumatoid Arthritis with Severe Extraarticular Manifestations
Kaisa E. Happonen, Tore Saxne, Lennart Jacobsson, Gunnar Sturfelt, Johan Rönnelid, Tom Eirik Mollnes, Dick Heinegård, Carl Turesson, and Anna M. Blom
Assessment of Coronary Risk Based on Cumulative Exposure to Lipids in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Mandana Nikpour, Dafna D. Gladman, Dominique Ibanez, Paula J. Harvey,and Murray B. Urowitz
Clinical Features and Associated Factors of Abdominal Pain in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Shiwen Yuan, Fan Lian, Dongying Chen, Hao Li, Qian Qiu, Zhongping Zhan,Yujin Ye, Hanshi Xu, Liuqin Liang, and Xiuyan Yang
Nailfold Capillaroscopy for Prediction of Novel Future Severe Organ Involvement in Systemic Sclerosis
Vanessa Smith, Valeria Riccieri, Carmen Pizzorni, Saskia Decuman, Ellen Deschepper, Carolien Bonroy, Alberto Sulli, Yves Piette, Filip De Keyser,and Maurizio Cutolo
Higher Frequency of Peripheral Blood Interleukin 21 Positive Follicular Helper T Cells in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis
Fei Xiao, Hai-Yu Zhang, Yi-Jun Liu, Ding Zhao, Yu-Xing Shan, and Yan-Fang Jiang
Ankylosing Spondylitis and Nonradiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis: Part of a Common Spectrum or Distinct Diseases?
Dinny Wallis, Nigil Haroon, Renise Ayearst, Adele Carty, and Robert D. Inman
Patients with Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies Associated Vasculitis in Remission Are Hypercoagulable
Marc Hilhorst, Kristien Winckers, Benjamin Wilde, René van Oerle, Hugo ten Cate, and Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert
Treatment of Refractory Takayasu Arteritis with Tocilizumab: 7 Italian Patients from a Single Referral Center
Enrico Tombetti, Stefano Franchini, Maurizio Papa, Maria Grazia Sabbadini,and Elena Baldissera
Myocardial Perfusion Imaging in Takayasu Arteritis
Cloé Comarmond, Odile Dessault, Jean-Yves Devaux, Nathalie Costedoat-Chalumeau, Matthieu Resche-Rigon, Richard Isnard, Fabien Koskas, Patrice Cacoub, and David Saadoun
Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Features of Whipple Disease: A Report of 29 Cases
Marine Meunier, Xavier Puechal, Emmanuel Hoppé, Martin Soubrier,Philippe Dieudé, Jean Marie Berthelot, Paola Caramaschi, Jacques-Eric Gottenberg, Laure Gossec, Jacques Morel, Emilie Maury, Julien Wipff, André Kahan, and Yannick Allanore
The Effects of Monosodium Urate Monohydrate Crystals on Chondrocyte Viability and Function: Implications for Development of Cartilage Damage in Gout
Ashika Chhana, Karen E. Callon, Bregina Pool, Dorit Naot, Gregory D. Gamble, Michael Dray, Rocco Pitto, Jarome Bentley, Fiona M. McQueen,Jillian Cornish, and Nicola Dalbeth
Responsiveness of Health State Utility Values in Knee Osteoarthritis
Erin M. Davis, Larry D. Lynd, Maja Grubisic, Jacek A. Kopec, Eric C. Sayre,Jolanda Cibere, John Esdaile, and Carlo A. Marra
Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) with Proteinuria: Clinical Features, Histology, Predictors, and Prognosis in a Cohort of 25 Patients
Olga Kukuy, Avi Livneh, Aharon Ben-David, Juri Kopolovic, Alexander Volkov, Yael Shinar, Eliezer Holtzman, Dganit Dinour, and Ilan Ben-Zvi
Risk Markers of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis-associated Uveitis in the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) Registry
Sheila T. Angeles-Han, Christina F. Pelajo, Larry B. Vogler, Kelly Rouster-Stevens, Christine Kennedy, Lori Ponder, Courtney McCracken, Jorge Lopez-Benitez, Carolyn Drews-Botsch, Sampath Prahalad, The CARRA Registry Investigators, L. Abramson, M. Becker, T. Beukelman, J. Birmingham, P. Blier, A. Brown, E. Chalom, F. Dedeoglu, P. Ferguson, D. Goldsmith, B. Gottlieb, T. Graham, T. Griffin, G. Higgins, J.R. Hollister, J. Hsu, A. Huttenlocher, N. Ilowite, L. Imundo, C.J. Inman, R. Jerath, L. Jung, P. Kahn, D. Kingsbury, M. Klein-Gitelman, T. Lehman, C. Lindsley, D. McCurdy, N. Moorthy, E. Muscal, M. Nater, J. Olson, K. O'Neil, K. Onel, S. Prahalad, M. Punaro, A. Quintero, C. Rabinovich, A. Reed, S. Ringold, A. Robinson, D. Rothman, N. Ruth, K. Schikler, A. Sestak, N. Singer, S. Spalding, R. Syed, I. Szer, K. Torok, R. Vehe, E. von Scheven, J. Weiss, P. Weiss, A. White, A. Yalcindag, and L. Zemel

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
Volume 21, Issue 12, Pages 1813-2058 (December 2013) 
Osteoimmunology in mucopolysaccharidoses type I, II, VI and VII. Immunological regulation of the osteoarticular system in the course of metabolic inflammation
V. Opoka-Winiarska, A. Jurecka, A. Emeryk, A. Tylki-Szymańska
The clinical status of cartilage tissue regeneration in humans
B. Mollon, R. Kandel, J. Chahal, J. Theodoropoulos
Anxiety and depressive symptoms before and after total hip and knee arthroplasty: a prospective multicentre study
T. Duivenvoorden, M.M. Vissers, J.A.N. Verhaar, J.J.V. Busschbach, T. Gosens, R.M. Bloem, S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra, M. Reijman
Exclusion of patients with sequential primary total joint arthroplasties from arthroplasty outcome studies biases outcome estimates: a retrospective cohort study
B. Ravi, R. Croxford, G. Hawker
The association of parity with osteoarthritis and knee replacement in the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study
B.L. Wise, J. Niu, Y. Zhang, D.T. Felson, L.A. Bradley, N. Segal, J. Keysor, M. Nevitt, N.E. Lane
Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, internal consistency and validation of the Arabic version of the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) for Egyptian people with knee injuries
A. Almangoush, L. Herrington, I. Attia, R. Jones, A. Aldawoudy, A. Abdul Aziz, A. Waley
Is increased joint loading detrimental to obese patients with knee osteoarthritis? A secondary data analysis from a randomized trial
M. Henriksen, D.J. Hunter, E.B. Dam, S.P. Messier, T.P. Andriacchi, L.S. Lohmander, J. Aaboe, M. Boesen, H. Gudbergsen, H. Bliddal, R. Christensen
Differences between X-ray and MRI-determined knee cartilage thickness in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing conditions
M. Marsh, R.B. Souza, B.T. Wyman, M.-P. Hellio Le Graverand, K. Subburaj, T.M. Link, S. Majumdar
In vivo patellofemoral contact mechanics during active extension using a novel dynamic MRI-based methodology
B.S. Borotikar, F.T. Sheehan
Micromechanical mapping of early osteoarthritic changes in the pericellular matrix of human articular cartilage
R.E. Wilusz, S. Zauscher, F. Guilak
Cell and matrix morphology in articular cartilage from adult human knee and ankle joints suggests depth-associated adaptations to biomechanical and anatomical roles
T.M. Quinn, H.-J. Häuselmann, N. Shintani, E.B. Hunziker
Consequences of chondrocyte hypertrophy on osteoarthritic cartilage: potential effect on angiogenesis
L. Pesesse, C. Sanchez, J.-P. Delcour, A. Bellahcène, C. Baudouin, P. Msika, Y. Henrotin
Probing the microenvironmental conditions for induction of superficial zone protein expression
R. Mhanna, E. Öztürk, P. Schlink, M. Zenobi-Wong
Moderate dynamic compression inhibits pro-catabolic response of cartilage to mechanical injury, tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6, but accentuates degradation above a strain threshold
Y. Li, E.H. Frank, Y. Wang, S. Chubinskaya, H.-H. Huang, A.J. Grodzinsky
Changes of early post-traumatic osteoarthritis in an ovine model of simulated ACL reconstruction are associated with transient acute post-injury synovial inflammation and tissue catabolism
B.J. Heard, N.M. Solbak, Y. Achari, M. Chung, D.A. Hart, N.G. Shrive, C.B. Frank
Loss of extracellular matrix from articular cartilage is mediated by the synovium and ligament after anterior cruciate ligament injury
C.M. Haslauer, K.A. Elsaid, B.C. Fleming, B.L. Proffen, V.M. Johnson, M.M. Murray
Inhibition of complement component C5 protects porcine chondrocytes from xenogeneic rejection
R. Sommaggio, M. Pérez-Cruz, J.L. Brokaw, R. Máñez, C. Costa
Time-lapse observation of the dedifferentiation process in mouse chondrocytes using chondrocyte-specific reporters
Y. Minegishi, K. Hosokawa, N. Tsumaki
Intra-articular injection of the selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor meloxicam (Mobic) reduces experimental osteoarthritis and nociception in rats
Z.-H. Wen, C.-C. Tang, Y.-C. Chang, S.-Y. Huang, C.-H. Chen, S.-C. Wu, S.-P. Hsieh, C.-S. Hsieh, K.-Y. Wang, S.-Y. Lin, H.-L. Lee, C.-H. Lee, H.-C. Kuo, W.-F. Chen, Y.-H. Jean
Histone deacetylase inhibitors increase microRNA-146a expression and enhance negative regulation of interleukin-1β signaling in osteoarthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes
J.H. Wang, K.S. Shih, Y.W. Wu, A.W. Wang, C.R. Yang
Scaffold-assisted cartilage tissue engineering using infant chondrocytes from human hip cartilage
P.C. Kreuz, C. Gentili, B. Samans, D. Martinelli, J.P. Krüger, W. Mittelmeier, M. Endres, R. Cancedda, C. Kaps
Total knee replacement; minimal clinically important differences and responders
A. Escobar, L. García Pérez, C. Herrera-Espiñeira, F. Aizpuru, C. Sarasqueta, M. Gonzalez Sáenz de Tejada, J.M. Quintana, A. Bilbao
Establishment of a reliable and reproducible murine osteoarthritis model
B.J. Kim, D.-W. Kim, S.H. Kim, J.H. Cho, H.J. Lee, D.Y. Park, S.R. Park, B.H. Choi, B.-H. Min
Polyethylene wear particles play a role in development of osteoarthritis via detrimental effects on cartilage, meniscus, and synovium
D.Y. Park, B.-H. Min, D.-W. Kim, B.R. Song, M. Kim, Y.J. Kim
Autophagy is activated in compression-induced cell degeneration and is mediated by reactive oxygen species in nucleus pulposus cells exposed to compression
K.-G. Ma, Z.-W. Shao, S.-H. Yang, J. Wang, B.-C. Wang, L.-M. Xiong, Q. Wu, S.-F. Chen
A validated new histological classification for intervertebral disc degeneration 
J.P.H.J. Rutges, R.A. Duit, J.A. Kummer, J.E.J. Bekkers, F.C. Oner, R.M. Castelein, W.J.A. Dhert, L.B. Creemers
A histological comparison of the repair tissue formed when using either Chondrogide® or periosteum during autologous chondrocyte implantation
H.S. McCarthy, S. Roberts

Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
December 2013; 21 (12)
Pediatric Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma
Alan H. Daniels, Andrew D. Sobel, and Craig P. Eberson
Iatrogenic Nerve Injuries in Shoulder Surgery
William F. Scully, David J. Wilson, Stephen A. Parada,and Edward D. Arrington
Early Weight Bearing After Lower Extremity Fractures in Adults
Erik N. Kubiak, Michael J. Beebe, Kylee North, Robert Hitchcock,and Michael Q. Potter
Platelet-rich Plasma in Orthopaedic Applications: Evidence-based Recommendations for Treatment
Wellington K. Hsu, Allan Mishra, Scott R. Rodeo, Freddie Fu,Michael A. Terry, Pietro Randelli, S. Terry Canale, and Frank B. Kelly
Adhesive Capsulitis of the Hip: A Review
Colin G. Looney, Brett Raynor, and Rebecca Lowe
Fingertip Injuries: An Update on Management
Donald H. Lee, Megan E. Mignemi, and Samuel N. Crosby
Optimizing the Management of Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears
Jayson Murray and Leeaht Gross

Volume 52 Issue 12 December 2013
Effect of gender on clinical presentation in systemic lupus erythematosus
Grainne Murphy and David Isenberg
Histopathological changes in tendinopathy-potential roles of BMPs?
Pauline Po Yee Lui
Impact of biologic therapy on functional status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis-a meta-analysis
Johanna Callhoff, Anja Weiß, Angela Zink, and Joachim Listing
The prevalence of depression in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Faith Matcham, Lauren Rayner, Sophia Steer, and Matthew Hotopf
Urinary free light chain is a potential biomarker for ISN/RPS class III/IV lupus nephritis
Masanori Hanaoka, Takahisa Gono, Yasushi Kawaguchi, Keiko Uchida, Yumi Koseki,Yasuhiro Katsumata, Hirotaka Kaneko, Kae Takagi, Hisae Ichida, Kosaku Nitta, andHisashi Yamanaka
Articular adipose tissue resident macrophages in rheumatoid arthritis patients: potential contribution to local abnormalities
Ewa Kontny and Monika Prochorec-Sobieszek
Protective effect of an ERAP1 haplotype in ankylosing spondylitis: investigating non-MHC genes in HLA-B27-positive individuals
Bruno Filipe Bettencourt, Fabiana Leal Rocha, Helena Alves, Rosa Amorim, Joana Caetano-Lopes, Elsa Vieira-Sousa, Fernando Pimentel-Santos, Manuela Lima, Graça Porto, Jaime C. Branco, João Eurico Fonseca, and Jácome Bruges-Armas
IL-22/IL-22R1 axis and S100A8/A9 alarmins in human osteoarthritic and rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts
Mar Carrión, Yasmina Juarranz, Carmen Martínez, Isidoro González-Álvaro, José L. Pablos, Irene Gutiérrez-Cañas, and Rosa P. Gomariz
Supervised physical exercise improves endothelial function in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Edgard Torres dos Reis-Neto, Aline Evelyn da Silva, Carlos Manoel de Castro Monteiro, Luciano Monteiro de Camargo, and Emilia Inoue Sato
Development of a colour Doppler ultrasound scoring system in patients of Takayasu's arteritis and its correlation with clinical activity score (ITAS 2010)
Debanjali Sinha, Sumantro Mondal, Arijit Nag, and Alakendu Ghosh
Paediatric rheumatology practice in the UK benchmarked against the British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology/Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance Standards of Care for juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Akhila Kavirayani, Helen E. Foster, and British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology
The EULAR Sjögren's syndrome patient reported index as an independent determinant of health-related quality of life in primary Sjögren's syndrome patients: in comparison with non-Sjögren's sicca patients
Hyon Joung Cho, Jong Jin Yoo, Chan Young Yun, Eun Ha Kang, Hyo-Jung Lee, Joon Young Hyon, Yeong Wook Song, and Yun Jong Lee
Inflammatory profile in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with headache as a manifestation of neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus
Hilda Fragoso-Loyo, Yemil Atisha-Fregoso, Luis Llorente, and Jorge Sánchez-Guerrero
Anti-SSA Ro52/Ro60 antibody testing by immunodot could help the diagnosis of Sjogren's syndrome in the absence of anti-SSA/SSB antibodies by ELISA
Arsène Mekinian, Pascale Nicaise-Roland, Sylvie Chollet-Martin, Olivier Fain, andBruno Crestani
Unilateral vs bilateral symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: associations between pain intensity and function
Daniel L. Riddle and Paul W. Stratford
Clitoral blood flow in systemic sclerosis women: correlation with disease clinical variables and female sexual dysfunction
Edoardo Rosato, Antonietta Gigante, Biagio Barbano, Fabiola La Marra, Ilenia Molinaro, Silvia Quarta, Maria Anna Digiulio, Rossi Carmelina, Rosario Cianci,Simonetta Pisarri, and Felice Salsano
Patient self-assessment and physician's assessment of rheumatoid arthritis activity: which is more realistic in remission status? A comparison with ultrasonography
Iustina Janta, Esperanza Naredo, Lina Martínez-Estupiñán, Juan Carlos Nieto,Inmaculada De la Torre, Lara Valor, Lidia Estopiñán, Natalia Bello, Michelle Hinojosa,Carlos Manuel González, Javier López-Longo, Indalecio Monteagudo, María Montoro,and Luis Carreño
Editor’s Choice: Gout as a risk factor for myocardial infarction and stroke in England: evidence from record linkage studies
Olena O. Seminog and Michael J. Goldacre
Comparison of clinical burden between patients with erosive hand osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis in symptomatic community-dwelling adults: the Keele clinical assessment studies
Wing-Yee Kwok, Margreet Kloppenburg, Michelle Marshall, Elaine Nicholls, Frits R. Rosendaal, Danielle A. van der Windt, and George Peat
Comparison between colour duplex sonography findings and different histological patterns of temporal artery
Francesco Muratore, Luigi Boiardi, Giovanna Restuccia, Pierluigi Macchioni, Giulia Pazzola, Alberto Nicolini, Giuseppe Germanò, Niccolò Possemato, Alberto Cavazza,Silvio Cavuto, Luca Cimino, Nicolò Pipitone, Mariagrazia Catanoso, Olga Addimanda,and Carlo Salvarani
Foot posture, foot function and low back pain: the Framingham Foot Study
Hylton B. Menz, Alyssa B. Dufour, Jody L. Riskowski, Howard J. Hillstrom, and Marian T. Hannan
The Spanish version of the Fibromyalgia Rapid Screening Tool: translation, validity and reliability
Xavier Torres, Antonio Collado, Emili Gómez, Anna Arias, Sonia Cabrera-Villalba,Osvaldo D. Messina, Luis F. Vidal, Patricia Clark, Carlos Ríos, and Patricia A. Salomón
The substantial burden of systemic lupus erythematosus on the productivity and careers of patients: a European patient-driven online survey
Caroline Gordon, David Isenberg, Kirsten Lerstrøm, Yvonne Norton, Enkeleida Nikaï,Daphnee S. Pushparajah, and Matthias Schneider

Apunts: Medicina de l'esport
Volume 48, Issue 180, Pages 123-164 (October–December 2013) 
Efectos contradictorios del Tai Chi Chuan sobre la osteoartrosis de rodilla
Pedro Jesús Jiménez-Martín, Agustín Meléndez Ortega
Motivation of clinical teachers at Schools of Sports Medicine: Taking part is what really counts?
Francisco Javier Ordoñez, José Ramón Alvero-Cruz, Ignacio Rosety, Gabriel Fornieles, Antonio Jesús Díaz, Miguel Ángel Rosety, Alejandra Camacho, Jerónimo García-Domingo, Carmen Vaz, Manuel Rosety-Rodríguez
Composición corporal y fuerza del atleta veterano: efecto del envejecimiento
Jesús Salas Sánchez, Pedro Ángel Latorre Román, Víctor Manuel Soto Hermoso
Enfoque multi-disciplinar en un equipo de balonmano
Luís Massuça, Isabel Fragoso
Entrenamientos funcionales frente a específicos en la prevención de caídas en las personas mayores
Elena Rodríguez-Berzal, Luis Alegre Durán, Ignacio Ara Royo, Xavier Aguado Jódar

Vol. 47 Num 04. October-December 2013
Calidad de vida en los pacientes con parálisis cerebral en proceso de envejecimiento
M. Badia-Corbella, P. Rodríguez-Pedraza, M.B. Orgaz-Baz, J.M. Blanco-Pedraz
Deformidad raquídea en los pacientes afectos de la enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth
A. Melián-Suárez, I. Santana-Casiano, L. Rivero-González, N. Martín-Álamo, E. Martín-Castillo, R. Bellini-García, E. de la Peña-Naranjo
¿Es transferible la terapia de locomoción refleja a una plataforma de teleneurorrehabilitación en el tratamiento del paciente adulto?
L. Perales-López, M.J. Fernández-Aceñero
Empleo de la escala de calidad de vida para el ictus (ECVI-38) para cuantificar y medir las consecuencias de un ictus. Relación con variables demográficas y clínicas
A.P. Soriano Guillén, A. Coarasa Lirón de Robles, P. Reigada Pérez de Santa Cruz, V. Solano Bernad
Fiabilidad y validez de las medidas angulares con un programa para la evaluación postural. Programa informático de evaluación postural
R.M. Ruivo, P. Pezarat-Correia, A.I. Carita, J.R. Vaz
Efecto de la rehabilitación pulmonar preoperatoria en los pacientes con cáncer de pulmón
R. Sebio García, M.I. Yáñez Brage
Programa cubano de rehabilitación cardíaca. Resultados
E. Rivas-Estany, J.D. Barrera-Sarduy, S. Sixto-Fernández, L.M. Rodríguez-Nande, C. Kesser-García
Beneficio de la rehabilitación y toxina botulínica en la enfermedad de Legg-Calvé-Perthes. A propósito de un caso
J. Nieto-Blasco, F. García-Martín, J.A. Santos-Sánchez, M.V. Vicente-Blanco
Radiculopatía L5 por quiste óseo aneurismático de localización vertebral. A propósito de un caso
V.E. Rivera, J. Nieto, J.A. Tuda, M.E. Fernández, B. Oliveros, D.E. Moyano

Physical Therapy
December 2013, Volume 93, Issue 12
Shorter Length of Stay Is Associated With Worse Functional Outcomes for Medicare Beneficiaries With Stroke
Suzanne R. O’Brien, Ying Xue, Gail Ingersoll, and Adam Kelly
Prognosis and Course of Disability in Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A 5- and 12-Month Follow-up Cohort Study
Karin Verkerk, Pim A.J. Luijsterburg, Martijn W. Heymans, Inge Ronchetti,Annelies L. Pool-Goudzwaard, Harald S. Miedema, and Bart W. Koes
Exploring Differences in Pain Beliefs Within and Between a Large Nonclinical (Workplace) Population and a Clinical (Chronic Low Back Pain) Population Using the Pain Beliefs Questionnaire
Andrew J. Baird and Roger A. Haslam
Sleep Enhances Learning of a Functional Motor Task in Young Adults
Alham Al-Sharman and Catherine F. Siengsukon
A Physical Function Test for Use in the Intensive Care Unit: Validity, Responsiveness, and Predictive Utility of the Physical Function ICU Test (Scored)
Linda Denehy, Natalie A. de Morton, Elizabeth H. Skinner, Lara Edbrooke,Kimberley Haines, Stephen Warrillow, and Sue Berney
Physical Therapy Interventions for Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Systematic Review
Luciana Gazzi Macedo, Abraham Hum, Laura Kuleba, Joey Mo, Linda Truong,Mankeen Yeung, and Michele C. Battié
Perspectives of Academic Faculty and Clinical Instructors on Entry-Level DPT Preparation for Pediatric Physical Therapist Practice
Lisa K. Kenyon, Robin L. Dole, and Stephanie P. Kelly
Tools for Observational Gait Analysis in Patients With Stroke: A Systematic Review
Francesco Ferrarello, Valeria Anna Maria Bianchi, Marco Baccini,Gaia Rubbieri, Enrico Mossello, Maria Chiara Cavallini, Niccolò Marchionni,and Mauro Di Bari
Diagnostic Accuracy of Upper Cervical Spine Instability Tests: A Systematic Review
Nathan Hutting, Gwendolijne G.M. Scholten-Peeters, Veerle Vijverman,Martin D.M. Keesenberg, and Arianne P. Verhagen
Spanish Version of the Broome Pelvic Muscle Self-Efficacy Scale: Validity and Reliability
Esther M. Medrano Sánchez, Carmen M. Suárez Serrano,María De la Casa Almeida, Esther Díaz Mohedo, and Raquel Chillón Martínez
Promoting Neuroplasticity for Motor Rehabilitation After Stroke: Considering the Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Genetic Variation on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
Cameron S. Mang, Kristin L. Campbell, Colin J.D. Ross, and Lara A. Boyd


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